Thursday, October 5, 2023

Happy Teachers'Day.


It's World Teachers' Day.

Teachers are wonderful people

Teachers are confidence

Teachers are intelligent

Teachers patient

Teachers are role models.

I remember when I was in Junior class in Secondary school, I attended Arabic Teachers' College, Jebba.

The senior students that were in form 5 used to get posted to primary schools to practice TEACHING (Teaching Practice), they'd go to their various primary schools of appointments for teaching practice everyday in second term or so, our teachers would later go to invigilate them to score them based on their performances.

Well, that is not the koko of my short story.

My point is to buttress my points that Teachers are all that I described them at the top of this post.

You see that Teaching Practice our senior students used to go while I was still in Junior class, I dread it so much, that was because of many factors, some of which were:
1) my height (my hand would barely reach the blackboard)

2) my spoken English (I can't confidently make a complete sentence in English)

3) I lacked the confidence to speak in public

4) I dreaded the whole thing about that scheme.

May all our passionate teachers be handsomely rewarded in this life and the next.

Happy Teachers Day to all the intentional and amazing Teachers all over the world. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Solatul Janazah


It is to be observed after proper ablution, here is what is said from start to finish during funeral prayer in Islam

what is said during Salat Al-janaaza ( Burial prayers):
1- After the First Takbeer : Recite Surat Al-Fatiha (Alhamdulillaahi Robbil aalameen. Arohamaanir Roheem. Malikiy yaomid deen. Iyyaka na'abudu wa iyyaka nastaheen. Ihidinas sirotal Mustaqeem. Sirooto lladhina an'amta alaehim ghaeril maghduubi alaehim wa laa dhooleen.. Aamin)

2-After the Second Takbeer: say Solat Al-Ibrahimiyya ( Allahumma Solli Alaa Muhammad Wa Alaa Aali Muhammad Kamaa solaeta alaa Ibroheem wa alaa aali Ibroheem innaka Hameedunm Majeed.. Allahumma baarik alaa Muhammad wa alaa aali Muhammad kamaa barokta alaa Ibroheem wa alaa aali Ibroheem innaka Hameedunm Majeed).

3-After the Third Takbeer: Pray for the dead but according to how its narrated from our Prophet S.A.W. One of them is:( Allahummagfir lahuu warhamhu wathabbit-hu Alal qawlu Athaabit ) or (Allahummaghfir lahu war'ham waaafihi wa'aafu anhu wa-akrim nuzulahu wa wassiaa mudkhalahu wa aghsilhu bilmaai wathalji walbarodi wa naqqihi minal khatooya kama naqqoetas thaobul abyadum minad danas wa abdilhu daaran khaeran mmin daarihi wa ahlan khaeran min ahalihi wa zaojan khaeran min zaojihi wa adkhilhu jannah wa aidhuhu min adhaabil qobri wa adhaabin naari)

4- Then lastly after the Fourth Takbeer: you should pray for all Muslims Say: ( Allahumma laa tuharrimnaa ajrahuu wa laa taftinna ba'adahuu ) or
(Allahummaghfir lihaayyinaa wa mayyitinaa washaahidinaa wa ghaaibinaa wassogirinaa wa kabeerinaa wadhakarinaa wa unzaanaa Allahumma man ahyaetahu minnaa fa ahyihi alaal Islaam wa man tawafaetahu minnaa fatawaffaahu alal eeman Allahumma la tahrimnaa ajrohu wa tudillanaa ba'adahu).
5- And lastly end the prayer with one Salaam to the right (Just once)

May Allah Subhanahu Wataala forgive us. Ameen