Saturday, May 30, 2020



In The Name of Allaah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

It is pertinent to note that all types of Ghusl (be it Nifaas, Janabat, Aedo etc) in Islam are performed same way, it’s just their NIYAT that’s different. However, in Ghusl l Janazat, we need SIDR LEAVE  to wash the body, if can’t find the leave or its water, then soap should be dropped in the water to dissolve and be used.

Islam has great regard for individual's privacy, so much that even in death, human bodies are not encouraged to be exposed to the public without being properly wrapped, hence the dead body is not to be washed in open space, the body washing should be done in enclosed area, body to be covered at least from the navel down to the knee if it were to be male and covered from the chest down to the knee if it's female during the Ghusl Janazat.

 Those that are in the best position to bathe the dead are their intimates (i.e Husband, wife, sister, brother, father, Son, daughter, their close friends etc).

 Immediately a Muslim is confirmed dead and we are getting prepared to wash their body in preparation to be buried, the body is to be placed on a flat surface like long bench or table for easier process.

It is important we raise the corpse’s head up a bit and press their stomach gently continuously to help push out the remnants of either urine or faeces (poop or excreta) or both, after which we will clean (wash with water) both the private parts.

 The dead can't do or perform anything on their own anymore, now is the time for the washer(s) to do the cleaning by starting with saying BISMILLAHI RAHMAANIRRAHEEM and then perform one-point ablution for the dead, water shouldn't be put into its mouth, rather we should dip a clean piece of cloth in water and use it to clean the mouth and then the nose, as the corpse can't spit out the water on their own.

 Now, we will start by first washing the head with clean water alone, then the right side ofthe body from the right shoulder reaching the toes, then we would turn its left and wash as the right side was washed, then we will wash the whole body (As the living muslim bathe in Janaba).

We would wash the body again, this second time with the Sidr leaf or soap and water as we did the first time, then wash the corpse third time again as we did the first and second times, but this time with dissolved CAMPHRA in clean water.

Corpse washing is best done thrice, but if it were to be female and we feel the thrice washing isn't enough, we could wash the body five times, seven times etc, we must just ensure the number of washing stand at odd numbers (i.e, Thrice, five, seven times).


Allaah knows the best.